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How to cater to a dog with a special diet

Maryam Habib
4 min readJul 17, 2023

Every dog is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach when you are considering catering to a dog with a special diet. While you are looking for a special diet plan for your canine, you realize how challenging it is to find the right one that suits your canine and fulfills his required dietary needs.

If you are new facing this situation, this might leave you curious thinking whether your mutt even needs a special diet. Considering this I’ve created a specific guide for you in which I’m going to answer this query and also discuss some of the most important specific dog diets.

Identifying Which Special Diet Dog Food You Need

The very first thing which is important to consider is to understand which special diet your mutt needs. To explain this, I like to classify special canine foods into two major kinds:

Veterinary formulas:

They consist of pet dietary supplements which are specifically designed to treat any disease or medical illness in your canine.

Veterinary formulas include supplements or specific foods that are used to address different health problems like kidney problems, urinary tract infections, skin allergies, and gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea or sensitive stomach.

Cautionary formulas:

These formulas are not as such necessary for your canine’s health but giving them to your canine keeps him safe from developing serious complications.

Cautionary formulas include diets such as grain-free ones. These diets can be given to dogs but can affect dogs with some infections. Thus, while buying your special dog diet keep in mind whether your canine can have grains in his diet or not.

If you are planning to shift your pooch’s dietary plan, especially to a veterinary formula, then it’s important to take advice from a veterinarian to keep your dog safe and healthy.

Types of Special dogs diets:

Photo by Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash

1. Diets for dogs related kidney problems

Dogs that are going through some kidney problems may face problems in digesting a normal dog diet. If that’s your pooch, then this is the thing you should certainly discuss with your veterinarian.

Your veterinarian can prescribe the most suitable specialized dog food for your pooch. These foods contain restricted proteins to reduce strain on the kidneys and are enriched with water and antioxidants.

2. Sensitive stomach related dogs diets

There are no such specialized dog diets that ensure to treat stomach sensitivity in your canine. These sensitivities resulted from some ingredients in your pooch’s diet that are causing a reaction in him such as diarrhea.

These ingredients could be some kinds of proteins or grains. For this do check your pooch to a vet where he figures out the actual problem and suggests which ingredients should not be part of your canine’s food.

3. Low-fat dog diets

These diets are best for canines who are facing obesity problems. These diets help them in weight management. The diseases that can be treated by special low-fat dog diets are pancreatitis, and some gastrointestinal disorders, such as diarrhea or inflammatory bowel disease(IBD).

Commercial dog foods tagged as “low fat” are also available. But before having them, seeking advice from a vet can help you make better decisions for your canine.

4. Special foods for diabetic dogs

Diabetic dogs are unable to produce insulin, a hormone that regulates sugar in the body. Thus, due to sugar imbalances special diets are recommended for them. These diets contain high-quality proteins, low glycemic carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

While choosing a special diet for your diabetic dog, for maintaining a certain level of sugar, taking advice from a professional is essential so that he can provide you with personalized recommendations based on your dog’s health conditions.

5. Special diets for dogs with skin sensitivities

The symptoms that show your canine might have skin problems are itching, rashing, redness, or dry skin. The canines that show such signs should have special foods with limited ingredients. While selecting such foods consulting with the specialist is the best option so that he can point out which specific ingredient is sensitive for your mutt and must be avoided in his diet.

How to care for a dog with a specialized diet

Knowing your dog’s problem and selecting a specific diet is not just enough. It requires a lot of additional attention and effort.

First of all, always consult with your veterinary nutritionist before making any decision about your mutt’s diet, and make adjustments as needed to ensure your dog’s health.

Secondly, if you are transitioning your dog to a new diet, do this transition gradually to avoid any disturbance. And after transition keep a close eye on your mutt and see whether this new diet is working or not. If it’s not showing the required results then, go to a veterinarian for further guidance.


Catering a dog to a specific diet is crucial and not an easy task. But, making the right choices at the right time, following the advice of a veterinarian, careful attention, patience, and dedication can make this process easier for you and your canine companion.



Maryam Habib
Maryam Habib

Written by Maryam Habib

As an enthusiastic freelance content writer, I thrive on crafting SEO-optimized blog posts and articles that drive organic traffic and elevate your brand.

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